Policies & Procedures

The Policy and Procedures tab is where you'll find the wiki features for managing your organization's policies and procedures.

Just like Wikipedia, the wiki is fully searchable and can easily be edited by authorized personnel. Even if a staff member has no permission to edit an article, you can still allow the staff to submit a suggested edit to the page, and those changes will be sent to an authorized staff member for approval before being applied - allowing truly collaborative content building. (Note: You can disable this functionality by setting the Only Wiki Managers Edit to Yes in the Configuration tab).

The wiki is also hierarchical, letting you have sections, sub-sections and so on. This lets you structure your organization's knowledge base in a way that easily grows without becoming unmanageable. In order to keep the policies easily manageable, we recommend exploiting this feature to organize your policies, and limit any one level to have less than 50 articles for easy navigation.

The workflow features in our platform are second to none. Set approvers to sections or pages so that any changes must be approved by them before being applied. Send and assign page requests to staff and be notified once that page is written and approved. Or send a page to your staff to read, acknowledge and sign.

You can also easily add checklists to policies and procedure articles, which will be private to that user. Checklist items can be assigned to different users, and can also feature custom forms to collect information. This lets you quickly add workflow to automate and bring your standard-operating-procedures to life.

With its built-in web-chat, you can be sure that users will get all the information they need.

In this section we'll run through all these features of the Policies and Procedures tab.

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Up Since 2/14/2025 11:58:53 PM